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Our Mission

Congregation Sha'are Shalom is an inclusive Conservative synagogue, blending tradition and change, providing all our members with opportunities to engage with Judaism and enjoy a sense of community.


We are an active community of individuals and families at all stages of life, with varying levels of religious observance. Our diverse congregation includes multi-faith families, same-sex families, and persons with disabilities. Together we have built a vibrant congregation where everyone belongs!


Our Jewish pre-school and religious school provide a meaningful, comprehensive education in a warm and positive environment. Our variety of programming, including social, social action, adult education, and cultural events, enrich our congregation and contribute to the communities that surround us.

See What's Happening at CSS!

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COVID carousel

We offer wonderful, engaging programs for all ages.  They include Training Wheels, RUJEC Pre-school, Religious School and adult education classes.  Please click the Education button above to see all our education programs. 

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Learn more about Rabbi Tow by clicking the button above or go directly to his weekly message or videos through the images below.

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Check out the calendar and events pages through the button above to see what's coming up or go directly to the Youth Group, Sisterhood, or Men's Club pages for more information about some of our community activities.

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Learn more about our Shabbat and other services


Erev Shabbat - Fridays at 6:30pm

Shabbat Morning - Saturdays at 9:30am

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Sign up for our mailing list to get our Friday newsletter and other information.

Connect With Us!

For more information please

call 703-737-6500 or email

Mailing address: P.O. Box 4518, Leesburg, VA  20177


Physical address: 19357 Evergreen Mills Road, Leesburg, VA 20175

Donating to Sha'are Shalom is easy! Click on the Donate button below to pay

with a credit card via PayPal. We also accept donations using Venmo at @congregation-shaare-shalom.

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Congregation Sha'are Shalom


Congregation Sha'are Shalom Religious School


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