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Click the button below to see Rabbi Tow's previous weekly messages and High Holiday Sermons:

Shabbat Shalom to the Sha’are Shalom family,


I hope everyone got through the latest round of snow safe and warm. This round the snow disappeared as quickly as it came in. 


Thank you to Rabbi Aft for being a guest teacher at last night’s Tu Bishvat study session. 


February is Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). Sha’are Shalom joins with congregations across the country to renew and enrich our support for creating an inclusive community. Inclusion is important to our people from the beginning. This week we’ll be reading the Ten Commandments in our weekly Torah portion, and our ancestors teach God speaks to each of our ancestors individually at Sinai as well as to the group as a whole. God speaks to each person in a way they can best hear and understand what God wants to teach us. 


Please join us next week for our “JDAIM Shabbat” as we continue the tradition from Sinai in our own way. On Saturday morning we will introduce Sensory Shabbat, a new program that will become a monthly program at CSS. Our main Shabbat service is already a welcoming and inclusive space. At the same time, we want to add an offering designed to be inclusive of anyone who may have sensory sensitivity or other needs for a Shabbat experience that is more flexible and supportive of every participant’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional needs – both youth and adults.  

Thank you to all the people who are involved in planning this program and the follow-up program on autism and education in April.


I also wanted to remind everyone about our ongoing work of setting up a Chevra Kadisha, a group that offers Jewish burial preparation rites to anyone in our area. On Sunday we’ll gather at the new Jewish funeral parlor in Vienna for another meeting and training. If you’d like to find out more, please email or call me with any questions you may have or to participate in this Sunday’s training.


Wishing everyone a good President’s Day weekend!


 Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Tow

How can we recognize the holiness of various moments in our lives? Click here for videos from Rabbi Tow and be on the lookout for more snippets on how blessings can help enrich these moments.

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Connect With Us!

For more information please

call 703-737-6500 or email

Mailing address: P.O. Box 4518, Leesburg, VA  20177


Physical address: 19357 Evergreen Mills Road, Leesburg, VA 20175

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with a credit card via PayPal. We also accept donations using Venmo at @congregation-shaare-shalom.

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Congregation Sha'are Shalom


Congregation Sha'are Shalom Religious School


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